"Strengths Finder on its own is a great exercise, but with Mimi I was able to go so much deeper and get that much more comprehensive of a look at what my skills can do for me. It's been invaluable, and I can't wait to keep working with her!"
“Working with Mimi has been extremely rewarding. By going through Strengths Finder training with her, I was able to better understand what I can bring to my work, my team, and my personal life. You don’t often get to think about your innate strengths, but by working with Mimi, I have a new-found appreciation for what I can do and how special we all are with our own set of unique gifts. Within a few short weeks of working with Mimi, receiving her invaluable insights, and experiencing her unwavering enthusiasm, I already feel I have a new direction about which I am sincerely excited.
Strengths Finder on its own is a great exercise, but with Mimi I was able to go so much deeper and get that much more comprehensive of a look at what my skills can do for me. It’s been invaluable, and I can’t wait to keep working with her!”