Keeping Your Team Resilient in a Hybrid World

From our February, 2022 Newsletter. Read the full content of the newsletter here, and sign up for future newsletters at our contact page.

How Do We Keep Our Teams Connected and Focused in the Hybrid World?

This month, we want to share with you more helpful tips on Manager Resilience. Even pre-pandemic, resisting burnout and motivating our teams has been a top priority for most of us. But what are the actual tools you can use to stay resilient in the face of uncertainty?

Merzad has introduced the four core elements of our Manager Resilience training, 1 and 2 on Self-Regulation and 3 and 4 on Collaboration.

We’ve put Wellbeing and Emotional Management as 1 and 2 because to make your team stronger, you need to make sure you’re leading with your best self.

But you also need to be able to guide your team members as they manage their own wellbeing and emotions.

So What Can I Do to Take Care of My Wellbeing and Emotions

There’s a lot out there today on wellness and how to apply it to the workplace. For this month’s newsletters, we’re going to hit you with some bullet points to get started:

Your wellbeing depends on your physical health, sense of purpose, and workload. 

  • Healthy Boundaries around work hours and responsibilities
  • Flexibility in how, when, and where you work
  • Evaluate Your Habits with an accountability partner to stick to new, healthy habits together
  • Sleep at least 8 hours a night– this may mean adjusting your workload
  • Physical Exercise is proven to reduce stress and improve overall health

Get in touch with your emotions and shift your mindset. 

  • Destigmatize Mental Health in the workplace and offer resources for support
  • Emotional Awareness: identify your emotions and their effects on your relationships and performance
  • Manage Triggers, Challenge Assumptions
  • Recognize Your Mindset if you’re coming from a negative mindset (blame, anger, despair), and shift to a positive one (curiosity, compassion, trust)

Next month we’ll cover Communication and Connection. We hope these reminders are helpful for you, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg! To learn more, connect with us and ask about our Manager Resilience services.